Navigate towards RimWorldInstallPath/RimWorld******_Data/Managed and select files:.Then right click "References" -> Add Reference. Expand your project in Solution Explorer.Leave Advanced., and set the Output Path to ".\.\Assemblies\" (Or wherever the Assemblies folder is).Optional: Under Application, change your Assembly and Namespace names to anything of your choice.In your Solution Explorer (the panel usually located on the right), right click your project -> Properties (or expand your project and double click "Properties" with the wrench icon).In your project, set target framework and various other properties.Make sure Framework is ".NET Framework 4.7.2".Enter a solution name (optionally, tick "Place solution and project in the same directory").(RimWorldInstallFolder)/Mods/(YourModName)/Source Type "Class Library (.NET Framework)" in the search bar, and select the C# option.Once loaded, go to File -> New -> Project.Only Install if your computer can handle it! This tutorial is similar for other versions of Visual Studio. NOTE: Visual Studio 2019 is a rather heavy application (2-3 GB for basic functionality) but has a bit more functionality. Feel free to add complete instructions for your IDE of choice. Setting up can be different for different IDE's. You will want to have an IDE installed: Recommended IDE's.The manual option in this tutorial requires you to have set up a Source and Assemblies folder (the Visual Studio automatic option sets this up for you).